

A few oldish photos from a day Jon and I spent in Healesville. We had some great food at Innocent Bystander, a nice walk around, then a beer at White Rabbit.


(home) grown : artichoke

We grew artichoke for the first time this year, along with some cavolo nero, purple sprouting broccoli, leeks and beetroot (all good, but not so for our cabbage or brussels (sans) sprouts). Right now in the garden we've got tomatoes, basil, eggplant, rocket and beans.

If you ask me, there's nothing better – or tastier – than something you've planted and grown in your own backyard. I love it. More home grown stuff to come.



Some pics from our weekend in beautiful Bright, for the wedding:

From the top: delicious brunch at Coral Lee, hanging out with the ducks at Centenary Park, Sunday afternoon beers at Bright Brewery, a bike fence and coffee at the Butter Factory in Myrtleford, and lunch in Milawa on the way home.


ez + h are wed

This was a dream first wedding to shoot, and is finally ready to share. Erin and Mark, thank you for asking me to take your photos. It was a wonderful day and great experience. Hope you enjoy.

Also, a HUGE thanks to my hub, Jon, for helping. xo